08 8259 4700
Catherine McAuley School provides outstanding, accessible education at a very affordable price. It is part of our Mercy Values to ensure all families in our community can access a Catholic education.
We know that affordable fees are an important consideration for our families and that is why we work with you to consider the option that best suits your needs. There are no hidden extra fees like a building levy or for laptops. We offer School Card discounts and Sibling Discounts.
Our School Fees Schedule has recently undergone a review to ensure fees are not a barrier for families who want to be part of our wonderful school community.
What is not included?
If your family is experiencing genuine financial hardship and would benefit from financial or pastoral support then you are invited to make an appointment for a confidential interview with our Business Manager to discuss your needs.
Please read our Fee Information and Fee Policy for more information or contact our Finance Manager through the Front Office.