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Our Community

We provide wonderful opportunities for parents to socialise, work with other parents, volunteer in classes, learn about their child's development and participate as part of a vibrant community.

Catherine McAuley School has strong connections to its local community in the City of Playford.

Community Team of Parents

Parent Team

Our Parents and Friends work tirelessly to support our community and play an important role in supporting families in their choice of a Catholic education for their children. Come and meet the parent team at Catherine McAuley Community Team (CMCT) and see how you can support your child's education and the broader school community.

Our community team is very active in building and fund-raising for the school and run events such as sausage sizzles, Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls and Shrove Tuesday Pancake stall. CMCT activities provide valuable monetary resources for the school to use to impove support and learning for students and assist with extra resources such as garden seating and Ipads. 

Come along and become part of a strong team working, planning and welcoming parents and grandparents to our Catherine McAuley School Community. Meeetings are held at the school on Monday mornings at 9.30am regularly throughout the term. To find out when the next meeting is happening, contact info@cms.catholic.edu.au or contact the front office on (08) 8284 1666.

Playford Community and Parish

Parish Connections

We are part of the Elizabeth North Parish and we have regular Masses and visits from our Parish priest. Parents are always invited to be part of our school Liturgies and prayer celebrations.

Sacramental programs are offered at the school and are organised by our Religious Educator.


Catherine McAuley School is part of St Vincent de Paul’s Central District. Our staff and students support Vinnie’s efforts throughout the year including their Winter Appeal and fundraising.

Vinnies Elizabeth is located in Langford Drive, Elizabeth and includes a family shop as well as a Fred’s Van food service and Conferencing support service.

For more information, volunteer or seek support visit the Vinnies website.

View the Vinnies website